The latest National Health Survey shows the obesity rate has increased from 6.9 per cent in 2004 to 10.8 per cent this year. This year's National Healthy Lifestyle campaign is thus adopting a more holistic approach to help Singaporeans fight the flab. More than 1,000 people turned up at the launch of the campaign by Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong. They tried out the new Singapore Workout that includes traditional dance moves. The message is for Singaporeans to get healthy together and combat obesity. Based on the National Health Survey, the obesity rate is definitely on the upturn. The HPB attributes the rise in obesity here to a lack of physical activity and a more sedentary lifestyle. The National Health Survey found that 54.1 per cent of Singaporeans do not exercise. HPB's Youth Health Division director K Vijaya said: "There is a growing body of evidence to suggest that chronic disease including obesity has its roots in pre-natal and the early developmental stages of one's life."As a result of this evidence, we are shifting our obesity prevention efforts further upstream, to the pre-natal and early years of one's life. "We will be empowering parents to nurture health lifestyles, among their children. "We are coming up with guidelines, strategies to provide a conducive environment for this purpose such as baby friendly hospitals that support breast feeding."In addition, we will be coming up with guidelines to prevent indiscriminate advertising of food and beverages to children".Other efforts include getting those from the food industry to develop lower calorie food products and meals, to cut some 25 billion kilocalories from Singapore's food supply by 2013. HPB also intends to roll out a nationwide Body Mass Index survey every two to three years to better monitor obesity trends.
Personal view:
Indeed, Singaporeans are getting more and more overweight and are less alert on their personal weight and health. Hence, based on the above article which had mentioned, are agreeable. Therefore, by preventing this situation to become worse, Singapore’s government and Health Promotion Board (HPB) had decided to introduce certain measures to overcome this problem. Such as promoting social exercises, whereby Singaporeans are gather through an event to exercise together, and alerting Singaporeans through television or newspaper to have a balanced diet. As a result, number of obesity occurring in Singapore would be lesser and other problems relating to it will also be fewer. For example, lesser people would suffer higher blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and stroke. Perhaps, it will also benefit Singaporeans as they are more health conscious and living a healthier lifestyles.
Yan Ling
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